Mes0409 =#{ English ; 0409 is Locale ID (LCID) +|0000 198 0001 OK 0002 Cancel 0003 Abort(&A) 0004 Retry(&R) 0005 Ignore(&I) 0006 Yes(&Y) 0007 No(&N) 7005 extension(&E) 7007 Option(&O) 7009 &... 700A (&L) 7011 Execute 7012 Wait for PPb... 7013 Execute with self(&S) 7014 Execute with new PPb(&N) 7018 Enter Login Password 7019 Path 701D Connect at relogin(&C) 701E Username(&U) 701F Password(&P) 7020 File Operations 7022 Only new date(&N) 7023 Rename(&R) 7024 Overwrite(&O) 7025 Skip(&S) 7026 With archive(&A) 7027 Add number(&B) 7028 Append(&P) 7029 All same action(&W) 702A Upper case(&U) 702B Lower case(&L) 702C Forced 8.3(&F) 702D Delete wrong space(&G) 702E Delete numbers(&B) 702F Readonly(&R) 7030 Archive(&A) 7031 Hidden(&H) 7032 System(&X) 7034 Copy Security attribute(&E) 7035 Skip slight error(&K) 7036 Auto 'All' check(&U) 703F Same Name Action 7040 Name Filter 7041 Attributes 7042 Dest(&D) 7043 Rename(&E) 7044 Divide size(&V) 7045 Serial Number(&N) 7047 Copy SACL(&C) 7048 Directory(&D) 7049 Burst/self buffering(&G) 704A Flat/don't make tree(&L) 704B Keep directories(&K) 704C log window(&G) 704D Undo Log(&U) 704E Extract '%'(&A) 704F AutoReadonly Off(&O) 7050 Back up old file(&V) 7051 First sheet(&S) 7052 File name(&N) 7053 Dir name fix(&D) 7054 Silent create new directory warning(&S) 7055 Low priority(&L) 7056 Source entry 7057 Destination entry 7058 Attribute\nFile Size\nCreate Time\nWrite Time\nAccess Time 7059 no wait with Result(&R) 705A &3:Option 705C &2:Rename 705E &1:General 7062 Use all reaction(&U) 7063 add delay list(&D) 7064 Different Size(&Z) 7068 Rename file on destination(&V) 7070 Prevent from entering sleep(&P) 7071 Allow Decrypted destination(&D) 7072 Make Join batch(&J) 7073 Source Name 7074 Count total size(&C) 7075 check Exist first(&E) 7076 serialize operation(&Z) 7077 Move after close file(&W) 7078 Fix extention name(&Y) 7079 Log &4 707A Link for symbolic link 707B Remove symbolic link sources(&H) 7400 Test(&T) 7402 Command list 7410 File 7411 Customize data(&C) 7412 Store by text(&S) 7413 Append by text(&A) 7414 Update by text(&U) 7415 Dump to text(&D) 7416 Initialize(&I) 7417 History data(&H) 7418 Dump to text(&O) 7419 Initialize(&R) 741A Key check(&K) 741C Associate folder(&P) 741D Deassociate folder(&U) 741E Open folder with PPc(&F) 741F Hide console(&L) 7421 Edit and append(&E) 7429 Customize by edited text 742C Append(&A) 742D Use text(&E) 742E Result(&R) 7430 Colors 7433 Item(&I) 7436 Append(&A) 7437 Delete(&D) 7438 Word list(&I) 7439 Color(&C) 743B Detail(&E) 743C Underline(&U) 743E Sort by extention(&X) 743F Sort by color(&L) 7450 File types 7457 (O E_...)(&O) 7458 Type name(&I) 7459 Types(&Y) 7460 Keys 7461 Mouses 7462 Buttons 7464 Key(&S) 746A ← 746B ↑ 746C ↓ 746D → 746F List 7470 Susie 7472 susie information 7473 Use(&U) 7474 Detail(&P) 7476 List(&Y) 7477 Default extention(&D) 7478 Auto detect(&A) 7479 Extention(&P) 747A Target (.bmp,.dib)(&G) 747B Disable UNICODE API(&N) 7480 misc 7483 ExEdit(&E) 7490 Menus 7491 Up(&U) 7492 Down(&W) 7493 Short cut Key(&K) 7495 Separator(&S) 7496 Foreground Color(&F) 7497 Background Color(&B) 7498 Button edit(&B) 74E2 save(&V) 74E3 Delete(&D) 74E5 Insert(&I) 74E6 Detail(&X) 74EA Macro letter(&M) 74EC Comment(&C) 74ED Commands(&L) 74EF Detail(&X) 74F0 General 74FC Find(&F) 7600 Push use key, and click 'OK' 7602 extend mode 7604 (require with 'NULL' cust) 7608 Colors 760C Highlight Colors 760D Top(&T) 760E Bottom(&B) 7610 Display formats 7617 Hide(have comment, &C) 7618 Full wide(&L) 7619 Full Name length(&N) 761C Show items(&F) 761D Items list(&Y) 761E Max name length(&M) 77FD Refer(&F) 77FE Save(&S) 77FF Apply(&A) 7800 Attributes 7801 Attributes(&B) 7802 Create(&1) 7803 Write(&2) 7804 Access(&3) 7805 (&C) 7806 (&W) 7807 (&Q) 7808 Old 7809 New 780A Modify Directory(&M) 780B detail(&X) 780C Readonly(&R) 780D Hidden(&H) 780E System(&S) 780F Archive(&A) 7810 Compression(&P) 7811 Encryption(&E) 7812 subdirectory(&D) 7813 Index(&I) 7814 Temporary(&T) 7815 Offline(&O) 7840 Drive information 7841 Drive name 7842 Label(&L) 7843 Disk type 7844 Serial number 7845 File system 7846 Used space 7847 Free space 7848 Real free 7849 Total space 784A Bytes/Sector 784B Bytes/Cluster 784C Maximum Filename length 784D Bytes 784E Clusters 7860 Case preserved 7861 Case sensitive 7862 UNICODE 7863 ACLS 7864 File compress 7865 Volume compression 7866 Named streams 7867 Quotas 7868 Sparse 7869 Reparse 786A Remote 786B Object IDS 786C Encryption 786D ReadOnly 786E Sequential write once 786F Transactions 7870 Hardlinks 7871 Extended attributes 7872 Open by file ID 7873 USN Journal 7874 Integrity streams 7875 Block refcounting 7876 Sparse VDL 7877 DAX,direct access 7881 Directory Mask(&D) 7882 Real time Mask(&M) 7884 format(&T) 7885 Word match(&W) 78C0 Incremental search 78C2 Up(&U) 78C3 Down(&D) 78C4 Mark(&M) 78C5 Front(&F) 78C6 Roma(&O) 78C7 Details(&T) 78D0 PPc Window setting 78D1 Double Boot(&D) 78D2 Double Close(&C) 78D3 Double Active(&A) 78D4 Joint Window(_)(&J) 78D5 Left/Right(&L) 78D6 Up/Down(&U) 78D7 Piled(&P) 78D8 Fix Size(&S) 78D9 Fix Active PPc(&F) 78DA Size(&Z) 78DB Size+Position(&O) 78DC Combo(&M) 78E0 Sort Detail 78E2 Case(&C) 78E3 Kana(&K) 78E4 Non space(&N) 78E5 Symbols(&Y) 78E6 Wide(&W) 78E7 String sort(&T) 78E8 Number(&U) 78EC Last Entry(&E) 78ED Reverse &1 78EE Reverse &2 78EF Reverse &3 78F0 Where is file? 78F1 Source(&S) 78F3 File name(&N) 78F5 And,Filename(&A) 78FA Search marks(&M) 78FB Have Directory(&H) 78FC SubDirectory(&U) 78FD Virtual FS(&V) 7900 Compare mark Detail 7910 General 792A Access Time: 792B Modify Time: 792C Create Time: 792D Size: 792E Path: 792F Type: 7C00 Select Paste Type 7C08 Print 7C0A Now Printing... ACET \n, and %d application ADDE D&D emulate(&D) ADDH D&D hook(&D) ADDP Post files ADDR Right button D&D(&D) ADHD This file is using by applications;\n ADTE Enter a title AICP Add check pattern ALLI All ANSP Stop animate ASRA Aspect rate ASTL Add start list BRAK Job breaked BREX Need regexp library BRKD Broken data BUSY Busy... CAOF Cache : off CAON Cache : on CCAN Cancel CCMC All matched CCMP Compare completed CDAT Attributes - Time - Name(&A) CDCM Comments(&M) CDD1 Details1(&D) CDD2 Details2(&4) CDFN Fullname(&N) CDI1 Icons 1(&5) CDI2 Icons 2(&6) CDI3 Icons 3(&7) CDID Icon details(&I) CDL1 List1(&L) CDL2 List&2 CDL3 List&3 CDT1 Thumbnails1(&T) CDT2 Thumbnails2(&8) CDT3 Thumbnails3(&9) CMP1 Same SHA-1(&H) CMPA Same size && time(&A) CMPB Same Binary(&B) CMPC Comment(&C) CMPD Detail...(&D) CMPE Exist file(&E) CMPF Filename without extention(&F) CMPH Compare Hash to Clipboard(&C) CMPI file size(no name check, &I) CMPL Large file(&L) CMPM comment(1window, &M) CMPN new File(&F) CMPQ same size, any name(&Q) CMPS file Size(&S) CMPT Time stamp(&T) CMPW alone file(&O) CMPX Exist(with dir, &X) CMPZ same file size(1 window, &Z) COMP completed. COMT comment COSE split extension(&S) CPDN Clip done CPML Leave Select mode CPMS Select mode CPPN Clip dir done CPTX Clip CRSS Save setting CTHE Hook Edit(&E) CUTR Cut ready DDAB Add button DDAI Add item to tree DDAL Add item to listfile DDCM Can\'t move on DDCP Copy to(&C) DDDP Duplicate on(&D) DDDT Detail(&A) DDET another type...(&E) DDJP Jump from(&J) DDLI Shortcut to(&S) DDML Make List file(&L) DDMV Move to(&M) DDOP Open to(&O) DDSC Shortcut on(&S) DDSW Swap to(&W) DDTX text(&t) DEFA default DEXT Delete %s DICD CD/DVD/BD... DIFI Fixed DIRA Ramdisk DIRE Remote DIRM Removable DIRS DREN directory(&I) DSAR Asynchronous read(&A) DSCA Cancel(&C) DSCV Cache view(&C) DSEI Entry icon(&Y) DSFO &0:Force DSHO &0:Default DSIA overlay(safety) DSIB blank DSIF frame DSIH overlay(no cache) DSII information setting DSIL information line icon DSIN normal DSIO with overlay DSIS simple DSIT through DSIW no show DSMA Magnify thumbnail DSMI Minify thumbnail DSSD -save cache to Disk(&D) DSSE -save cache Every time(&E) DSSM Slow mode(&S) DSTA &4:Archive DSTD &5:Directory mode DSTE &3:Temporality DSTF &4:Listfile DSTL &2:This path and subdir DSTP &1:This path DSTS &6:Path separate DSWM Watch modified(&W) EACO Already counting EBDK %s is bad key name EBPC bad *pane command : %s EBRK Braket error EBRV Require Windows Vista or later. EBSG %s is bad signature EBWA Bad wildcard attributes EBWS Bad filesystem EC32 comdlg32.dll load error ECAL Calculation error: %s ECDR Can\'t unpack ECFD 'Full' can't multi use. ECFL Customize area flow ECHF Check report fault log. ECME ContextMenu Error ECPL frame read error ECPR Can't change page with rotation. ECPS this frame is not full support ECUD Can\'t execute undo. EDAD DD faulture(&D) EDAL Select All(&A) EDBL Block mode(&B) EDCA Cancel(&N) EDCP Copy(&C) EDCU Cut(&T) EDDL Delete operation error :%s EDEC encode(&e) EDEL Can not delete EDET types(&t) EDIT Edit EDPA Paste(&P) EDTD Temporary directory delete faulture EECR Item '%s' not find in %s EEFT Can't execute %s EENF Entry not found EENM e number error EFAL faulture EFLW Buffer flow EFUT function: missing ')'. EHKY Hot key(%s) register error EIFC %%F not support: %c EKCD Key error EKFT Key code error EKNF Keyword not found ELST Erase from list(&L) ELTA Taget list make error EMDI Error (Require without file divide mode) EMEU Menu '%s' create error EMUT %%*%s missing ')'. ENFF Not found %s ENFT Not found target ENFU Not found %%*%s ENOM Not enough memories ENSO Not support ENSP Separetor \'%c\' not found ENUD %s is not UnXXX EOEC Can't register more PPc. EOFI open file error EOLT Size too long. EPBY Use PPb error(%s) EPRM Parameter error EPTH Path Error EREG Regular expression error : %s ESCT Short cut error ESEP Separator not found ESHO Can't access to now open archive. ETMW Too many format character 'W'/'w' EUFM Unknown format EUKW Unknown keyword EUOP Unknown option: %s EUXC Unknown command: *%s EVFA Download file is wrong. EWFT W format error EWLD wildcard error EWLG wildcard too long EWNF Can\'t support on NTFS EWRT Error writing EWUS Use unsupport attributes on this matching EXEF execute... EXEX file exists EXIT Exit(&X) EXNF New creates EXNW New file exists EXOL Old file exists FBAC Action(I): FBAK Backup fault. FBDW PPb critical error FDLW PPx system table is broken %04X FEWE Found file seems extracting in the wrong place FEXP Explorer Folder FIXE This file seems type is %s and %s.\nThis file extension is not necessary to modify. FIXH PPffix check extension type, when dropped on this icon. FIXM This file seems type is %s and %s.\nModify file extension? FIXU File type is unknown. FLAC all completed FLCA Cancelled FLER errors FLEX existed FLLS skipped FLNO No operate FLOD FLPC partially completed FLTC No exist FLTE Exist FMYF Drive list FNET Network PC FOCA Cancel FOCL Close FOCO Continue FOCP Pause FOCS Skip FOFC Compare(&C) FOOK OK FOST Start FUPD Directory not found, and move parent directory FUPR Directory not found, and move root directory GDAH Zoom frame height GDAI Auto zoom GDAR Auto Frame size GDAW Zoom frame width GDFI Zoom in frame GDFR Frame size GSIG Signature is good. HDRA Attributes HDRC Date Created HDRD Date HDRE Date Accessed HDRN Name HDRS Size HELP help HIST histories HPDN Http Done. IANI Animate : [P] IDIR Directory(&D) IDIV Divide page mode([<][>], All read:[/]) IFCN File counting... IGAN Animate(&M) IGNP Next page(&N) IGPP Prev page(&P) IICC Include color profile ILFI List File(&L) IMAB Cancel(&A) IMCA Cancel(&N) IMIG Igonre(&I) IMNO No(&N) IMOK OK IMRE Retry(&R) IMSK Skip(&I) IMST Start(&Y) IMTC Cancel(&C) IMYE Yes(&Y) IMYK OK(&Y) IPAG multi page ISEA Incremental search mode ITCK Keep highlight after closing(&K) ITCM Comment(&C) ITFE name extention(&E) ITFN Filename(&N) ITHA Highlight all(&G) ITHL Highlight(&H) ITIP Include path(&P) ITMA Mark all(&A) ITMO Check Mark(&M) ITSH Highlight match entry(&L) JLER ERROR> JLEX execute> JLPA pause> JLWA wait> JMAE Extract JMAL All JMAP Archive JMAT Attributes JMCL Clip JMCO Compare JMCP Copy JMCR Clear JMCS Size Count JMCU Cut JMDE Delete JMJO Job JMLI Link/Junction JMMO Move JMMR Mirror JMPA Paste JMPR Properties JMPS Paste Shortcut JMPV Preview JMRE Rename JMRU Execute JMSH Shortcut JMSL Symlink JMTE Text Edit JMUN Undo JNCL CLSID(&C) JNHL ハードリンク一覧(&H) JNJL link(&l) JNSH shortcut(&s) JNST stream(&T) JPCL CLSID(pair window, &I) JPDI show pair window(&P) JPHL 反対窓でハードリンク一覧(&P) JPJL link(pair window, &R) JPLN Jump link JPSH shortcut(pair window, &P) JPST stream(pair window, &W) JWOF Join window: off JWON Join window: on KWAT \nPress any key to continue. LCOK no error. LDAD address LDDR drives LDIN input LDOL Lock LDOS Separator LDSI XC_inf LDST XC_stat LERE Erased Entry from list. LGAP Append LGCR Create LGDE Delete LGER Error LGOW Overwrite LGWA Warning LHIL Highlight LHIO Highlight off LMAK Mark LOAD loading LRMA Reverse mark LUMA Unmark LYCA Pane title(&C) LYCI Common Information line(&N) LYDB Dock Bottom(&B) LYDT Dock Top(&D) LYHA Header(&H) LYHL horizontal layout(&Z) LYIL Information line(&I) LYJL Job list(&J) LYLG Log(&G) LYME Menu bar(&M) LYOT Others(&X) LYSA Standerd address bar(&A) LYSC Scroll bar(&O) LYSL Status line(&S) LYSS Swap scroll bar(&P) LYST Standerd Toolbar(&T) LYTI Title bar(&L) LYTL Touch layout(&Y) LYTR Tree(&R) LYUS Unique settings for each combo window(&U) LYWM Window...(&W) MBCP Clip message text MCOP open(&o) MCPL play(&p) MCPR print(&p) MCRC Edit common menu(&C) MCRD Set default select(&D) MCRE Set default command(&E) MCRK Run as(&A) MCRV Run as administrator(&A) MCRX Edit filename-extention menu(&X) MDLC With shift : Delete MEAD Add Item(&A) MEDE Delete Item(&D) MEDL Duplicate line(&D) MEDM original menu MEDT Edit Menu(&E) MEED edit menu(&T) MEFI file menu(&M) MEFS Insert find str(&I) MEMD Modify Item(&M) MERE Rename Item name(&R) MERO Read only(&V) MERS Regexp serach(&X) MEST settings menu MEWW Word wrap(&W) MGNR General(&G) MIGE Need MIGEMO.DLL MSAV Save setting MSCL close button MSEN entry area MSFR window frame MSHA Column header MSHM Hidden menu MSIC icon area MSIF information lines MSLI status line MSMA make symbol MSME menu bar MSMI minimize button MSPA path bar MSSC scroll bar MSSP blank area MSSY window icon MSTA entry tail MSTB tab button MSTI title bar MSTS tab space MSZO maximize button MTCL Close Tree(&X) MTDL Drive MTDR use Rename Dialog(&D) MTDS Directory Settings MTED Eject MTFA Favorites(&A) MTFO Folder tree(T) MTFP Focus PPc(&F) MTMI Simple icon(&M) MTNF Create folder(&C) MTNU Create User tree(&U) MTNW New MTOL icon overlay(&O) MTPL PPc list(&P) MTRL Reload(&R) MTRS Run as self MTRT Reload MTSB Show tool bar(&B) MTSC Shell Context MTSH Show proteced folder(&H) MTSI Show icon(&S) MTSL Line(&L) MTSN Single Node(&N) MTSO Sort MTSS Sync-select(&Y) MTST Settings(&S) MTUE Customize User list(&M) MTVF View MWOP Wait NEWD Enter new disk NEWF (new file) NEWI new NITX Text File\t.txt(&T) NOEL no match any file NOIC Setup is not completed. It is better to execute a SETUP.EXE. NOMF Disable show memo NOMI No more information NOMN Show memo NOTX String not found. NRGU Width change: drag status, [, ], {, } NWDN TEMPDIR NWFN TEMPFILE OPSA Open selected Address(&A) OWDT Directory types(&Y) OWIT Send to(&N) PACI individual archive PACO other PACT Archive type PJAD Add path PJCP ControlPanel PJDE Desktop PJDL DriveList PJMD MyDocuments PJRB Recycled bin QABO Break job? QBAK Backup path? QCOM Continue action With marked entry off screen? QCRD Create new directory? QDAC Delete action? QDDL Delete Delayed list? QDDO Start delayed list task? QDFA Delete file of special attributes? QDKM Delete key setting? QDL1 delete? QDL2 ,,,\n QDL3 entries delete?\n QDL4 erase form tree? QDRC Yes\tDuplicate reparse point\nNo\tCopy files QDRD Move to recycle bin? QDRP Yes\tDelete reparse point\nNo\tDelete reparse point & files QEFD %s\n existed, delete? QETF Extract file to temporary path? QEWE This file seems extracting in the wrong place. Extract? QICU Initialize customize, ok? QIHI Initialize history, ok? QISD %s is drive name?\nYes\tdrive name\nNo\tdirectory name\n QMCF Create comments file? QOSL File size too large. Read file image partially? QPPC Quit PPc? QPPV Quit PPv? QRCC Register PPc to context menu? QRLA Remove this language? QRLT Reload text file? QSAM Over write ok? QSAN Found %d same name files. Select processing method. QSAO Found same name file. Select processing method. QSAV Save edited data? QSDP Setting as dest path of pair windows? QSIZ Need PPx's shutdown, ok? QSP2 This drive seems need to divide by 2G bytes. Divide file? QSPT No free space. Divide file? QSPW Seems no free space. Divide file? QSUD Start undo? QSXS Waiting synchronizing... QTWP Connect TORO's Library? QUPD Update customize?\n\nYes\tBackup & update\nNo\tUpdate without backup\nCancel\tNo update\n QUSV Write using viewer application QWRD Order write? REGP Select and Regist program RKAL Key command reentry error. RRPC Require restart PPc RTPC Require restart PPc, soon SACO Size count... [PAUSE]:Break SAUT Auto SAVE Save SAVP Save position SCMP Start Compare SDPF Set dump file SHCM Shell Context menu(&S) SIOF Sync Information:Off SION Sync Information:On SJLN Jump to line...(&J) SJTE End of text(&C) SJTT Top of text(&R) SJWE End of window(&X) SJWT Top of window(&E) SLMD Enter slow mode SNAN (add number) SNAP (append) SNBK (backup) SNCN (change name) SNCP (copy) SNDE (delete) SNKP (keep) SNLN (link) SNMV (move) SNOW (overwrite) SNRE (restore) SNSK (skip) SPOF Sync properties : off SPON Sync properties : on SPPF Sync path : off SPPN Sync path : on SSRP Input program path(%s) SSRT sorting... SVOF Sync View : off SVON Sync View : on SWCA Word case transfer SWCZ Zen/han transfer(&Z) SWPD move window to desktop TABB swap tab(&B) TABC Close(&C) TABD Default Color(&D) TABE Eject(&E) TABH close pane(&H) TABI Save tab width(&V) TABK select tab by key(&K) TABL Lock(&L) TABN New tab(&N) TABP new Pane(&P) TABR color(&O) TABS closed PPc(&S) TABW swap pane(&W) TACG new group(&G) TACL close left(&F) TACM rename group(&M) TACP close pane(&A) TACR close Right(&R) TACT show selector(&T) TACU show all group(&U) TACV close group(&Q) TAPN Append Filename TASR Aspect rate(X ppi x Y ppi) TATR Attribute TC22 SHA-224(&2) TC25 SHA-256(&5) TC32 CRC32(&C) TCFC File type(&T) TCHL Hard links(&H) TCHP Unpack(http) TCIT Info Tip text(&P) TCLE Column Extention(&T) TCLP Linked path(&K) TCLR Clear(&L) TCM5 MD5(&M) TCME Edit comment(&E) TCMT Comment(&T) TCOW Owner(&O) TCS1 SHA-1(&S) TDAD DnD Window List TDEL Delete TDFO Delayed file operation TDUP Dup TEDJ Enter editor\'s line locate option TEHC Highlight (%s) TEIF Entry information TENN Enter new name TEXE Execute TFAC PPc file action TFCP Compare TFEM Find mask TFMK Find Mark TFNX Find next TFPV Find previous TFUM Find Unmark THIL Highlight words TINS Input new menu item name TISD Path fix TLDS Logdisk TLNO Jump line number TMCD Disable checkered of transparent TMCE Enable checkered of transparent TMCF Create comments file TMHL Hard link TMKD make directory TMKF make file TOCH enter touch mode TPAC Pack file: TPCL PPc log TPST margin(mm) left, top, right, bottom, Image-DPI(-1:one Page, -2:Fill width, -3:Fill height) TPTX Plain text(&T) TRDE Read entry TREC Continuous rename TREN Rename TRER Show reference TSAN Save action name TSCP Select text code page TSDR Select directory TSEI Sync Entry information TSFN Select file TSHL sHell TSMD Module(&T) TSVN Save Filename TTAB TAB SIZE TTRE Tree TTWP Jump web site TUPA Unpack archive TVTC columns(0:no warp, -1:fit window) TVTR image width TWRD Write entry order TXAT All text TXSL Selected lines UCMD :Unknown command UDED Update entry data(&.) UNKN Unknown UPED Updated %s USTD Action is unsupported this directory VBAB Add button bitmap(&A) VBCD [button text/]tip name VBCL x_xxx VBCR extention VBDB Default button List(&L) VBEI extention / wildcard VBFI Word or X_xxx VBMA key name VBPJ item name VBRB Reference of buttons list bitmap: %s(&R) VBRK (blank) VCAU auto VCBA item text VCBB item back VCBC caption VCBD caption back VCBE PPb edit line VCBF frame text VCBG frame back VCBH directory text VCBI directory back VCBK back ground VCBO PPb popup VCBP PPb palettes(Vista) VCBR PPb execute log VCBS edit text VCBT edit back VCBU selected text VCBV selected back VCBW log text VCBX log back VCBY log selected text VCBZ log selected back VCCA caption, tab VCCC PPv control charctor VCCL PPv cursor line VCCT Colors theme(Some colors, require restart PPx) VCDA text VCDB back VCDI disable VCEA label VCEB PPc entry back VCEC current VCED directory VCEE encrypted VCEF special VCEH hidden VCEI virtual VCEL link VCEM message VCEN normal VCEO compressed VCEP parent VCER readonly VCES system VCET PPc entry text VCFD Frame and Dialog VCFE PPc file extension VCFF selected text VCFG selected back VCFH pair text VCFI pair back VCFJ normal text VCFK normal back VCFL tab x button VCFM tab x back VCFN tab active text VCFO tab active back VCFP tab selected text VCFQ tab selected back VCFR tab normal text VCFS tab normal back VCHF find VCHL PPv highlight VCIA PPc info 1st VCIB PPc info 2nd VCIN value text VCJA message VCJB deleted VCJC normal VCJD gray state VCJE modified VCJF appended VCJG no focus VCJH frame VCJI underline VCJJ marked VCJK normal(even line) VCJL selected VCJM grid VCJN highlight1 VCJO highlight2 VCJP highlight3 VCJQ highlight4 VCJR highlight5 VCJS highlight6 VCJT highlight7 VCJU highlight8 VCJV mouse hover VCJW inactive back(blend color) VCLA log, address, job VCLF PPv line feed charctor VCLG first line VCLH second line VCLI line VCLK PPv link VCLL gray VCLM normal VCLN PPv line number VCME message text VCOT other VCPB blue VCPC green VCPD cyan VCPE red VCPF magenta VCPG yellow VCPI gray VCPJ light blue VCPK light green VCPL light cyan VCPM light red VCPN light magenta VCPO light yellow VCPP light white VCPQ black(back) VCPR white(default) VCRE report VCTA PPv tab charctor VCTB before edit VCTC black for CRT VCTD Dark for LCD VCTE Light for LCD VCTF White for CRT VCTG PPv tag VCTH OS colors(GDI) VCTI tip window VCTR tree VCTS comment VCTT tag VCVA (reserverd) VCVB PPv bound line VCVC old line VCVD bookmark VCVE PPv line back extra VCVT PPv text, back VCWA Frame light VCWB Frame face VCWC Frame shadow VCWD (heavy)Window face VCWE (heavy)Dialog face VCWF (heavy)Window Text VCWG Highligh back VCWH Highlight text VCWI gray text, for dark mode VCWJ (heavy)Dialog Text, for dark mode VCWK edge line, for dark mode VCWL focus back, for dark mode VCWS PPv wide space VDLA name width VDLC color VDLD width VDLE Language list download error VDLF format VDLH height VDLI ID(1-9) VDLN next line VDLT text VDLV value name VDLW width VDLX extention width VDLY type VDLZ size VDMB check symbol VDME show entries count VDMF short filename VDMG Indent(pixels) VDMI user text VDMJ trim right space VDMM mark VDMN image VDMP page No. VDMQ list layout type VDMS blank for edge VDMT time detail VDMU ex-comment VDMV ID string value VDMZ size[,] VDNA attributes VDNB check box VDNC comment VDND disk space VDNE entry count VDNF filename VDNG Indent(letters) VDNH line[-] VDNI item text VDNL line[|] VDNM mark symbol VDNN icon VDNO text color VDNP all pages VDNR directory VDNS blank VDNT time(write) VDNU columns extention VDNV volume label VDNX modules VDNY directory type VDNZ size VEAA Archive DLL VEAB alias VEAC Item list for priority and delete(&I) VEAD (&I)alias name = value VECA PPc view style VECC Item(&I) VEDA Async read, VEDB directory settings VEDC cache, VEDD Item(&I) VEDH no check, VEDI information icon settings, VEDL cursor line icon settings, VEDN No save async cache, VEDO sort settings, VEDS Async & cache save, VEEA Delayed list VEEC (&I) VEFA *file actions VEFC I only delete(&I) VEGA id saved host VEGC I only delete(&I) VEHA PPv highlight text VEHC file name VEHD directories VEHF fullpath name VEHG general VEHH command line VEHM mask VEHN digits VEHP PPc directory VEHR roma search VEHS search VEHU User - u VEHV PPv filename VEHW PC names VEHX User - x VEIA PPc 1st information VEJA PPc 2nd information VEKA Checked applications VEKC (&I) VELA PPv text columns VELC Columns(0:full -1:window width)(&C) VELH Item(&I) VEMA wavename / comp. commands VEMC (&I) type = wav name / commandline VENA Window position VENC (&I) VENL PPc extentions icon VEOA PPv option VEOC Item(&I) VEPA Path VEPC ID = path/layout(&I) VESA Add(&A) VESB PPc status line VESC (&I) VESE Edit(&A) VETA PPv,PPe tab columns VETC Item(&I) VEUA User command VEUC (&I) command name = value(%*arg(n) VEVA User data VEVC (&I) Item name = value VEYA Other configs VEYC (&I) Item name = value VFSL VFS load VFSU VFS unload VHDE default setting VHPC PPc hidden menu VHPV PPv hidden menu VIMC ||\x9insert new column separator VIMF insert selected filename VIMI \\t\tinsert indent VIMK &&\x9insert shortcut key prefix VIML *launch \tset current dir. on file, and execute VIMN Enter menu name (M_xxx) VIMS --\x9insert separator VIMY insert key code... VKAL PPc Auto DD list(&D) VKBL PPb list VKBR PPb reference VKCG PPc general VKCI PPc incremental search VKCT PPc tree VKED line edit and PPe VKLI line edit(with K_edit) VKPB PPb edit VKPC PPv text caret mode VKPE PPe(with K_edit) VKPT PPv page text mode VKPV PPv general VKTR general tree VKTY PPtray hotkey VKVI PPv image mode VLBN Button name VLDT Detail VLFF Press F4 key for list VLHT tilt left VLIL Action(&I) VLIN Item name VLIT tilt right VLLC Left button VLLD left double VLLH left press & hold VLMC middle button VLMD middle double VLMH middle press & hold VLMI Item name VLRC right button VLRD right double VLRG right gesture VLRH right press & hold VLTA Target area VLTB Button VLTK Key VLTM Key name VLTN Type name VLWC R & L button VLWH R & L press & hold VLXC 4th button VLXD 4th double VLXH 4th press & hold VLYC 5th button VLYD 5th double VLYH 5th press & hold VMCB PPc menu bar VMCR PPc extra context VMDI PPc folder context VMEB PPe menu bar VMEC line edit, context menu VMEP PPc extra pack \\[P] VMET (O M_...)(&O) VMIL Item(&I) VMLB line edit, menu bar VMMD PPc insert text DD(&D) VMOB PPc other convert [B] VMPJ PPc path jump [0] VMSO PPc sort VMTA PPc tab menu &[-] VMVB PPv menu bar VMVC PPv extra context VMWI wildcards VMWS PPc where is,source VNMA aux: settings VNMB PPx menu bar VNMC Extention menus VNMG General VNMO other settings VOLF Jump online language file list VOPF Load from file VPPC PPc VPPI PPtray VPPV PPv VQBA It seems disable VQDT Delete %s? VQKM Add comment key short cut to MC_menu and MV_menu? VQNA Setting is not preserved. Really quit? VRCT PPc toolbar VRDF Restore default setting? VREF refer VRFM Line edit bar (mouse) VRFP Line edit bar (pen) VRFT Line edit bar (touch) VRTB Retry action by reload bitmap VRTT Tree toolbar VRVT PPv toolbar VTAI Tail mode(&A) VTBA Select toolbar image. VTBU Select toolbar button image. VTDC Document VTHE Hex VTIM Image VTNM new(Save button right click) VTOE Select application. VTRI Raw Image VTTX Text VUSD Unsupport this image VXCR PPc Enter VXSC PPc,PPv Shift + Enter VXTV PPc tip preview VXUP PPc unpack[U} VYCP clip VYCT cut VYCU customize VYDL delete VYFA add favorites VYFC copy entry VYFM move entry VYFN Free Network drive VYFT tree pane VYFV favorites VYFW forward VYJP jump to parent VYLD change drive VYLG open directory VYND new directory VYNE new entry VYNU Allocate Network drive VYOU operation undo VYPE previous VYPP properties VYPS paste VYSD sort by date VYSN sort by name VYSO sort VYSZ sort by size VYTR tree VYVS view style VYWS find file WITD Need WININET.DLL WKSI Keyname seems invalid WLLP Long path directory WNMM Warning : unsupport macro charcter. WNOA No \'@\' prefix WUML width unmatch line %d(this width:%d, max width:%d) XAAC refresh all PPc XACD Make archive name folder XACR Save & restore directory position XALT Disable menu by ALT XARD Async load directory XASP Enable mouse activate window action XASR reload cursor position XASS sorted cursor position XAST attribued list XASU file copied list XASV deleted list XASW renamed list XASX activated list XAUT auto XAWE externd wheel XAWI Auto width change with view style XBC0 show common info. line XBC1 show address bar XBC2 common tree XBC3 show common log XBC4 stack layout pane XBC5 show always XBC6 resizeable combo window XBC7 tiny window control XBC8 show tool bar XBC9 header XBCA show pane caption XBCB show title bar XBCC show menu bar XBCD Show tab per pane XBCE force common log XBCF delay show common log XBCG Fixed tab width XBCH Multi line tab XBCI tab colored XBCJ Show tab per pane2 XBCK new tab to active right XBCL new tab width sort XBCM up dir tab after close XBCO next combo XBCP min close XBCQ Reuse same path pane XBCR default lock XBCS no move tab XBD0 fix tab area width XBD2 tiny scroll bar XBD3 Reset tab on boot XBD4 Dialog move to center on pane XBD5 bottom tab XBD6 close button XBD7 use PPc ID "Zxxx" in Combo ID "A" XBD8 auto hide close button XBD9 keep panes wide rate with delete one pane XBDA Over pane on tab null space XBEP Error sound XBGC tab group XBGD group default name XBGS show selected tab groups XBGT show tab group selector XBRO Web Browser XBSY logged lines XBSZ console show lines XBTA opaqued PPv window XBTB picture bright(%) XBTL show tab XBTM show LF XBTN show box space XBTO opaqued window XBTP picture path XBTY show back picture XBUW (UNICODE ver.)calculate char. width XCAC Cache directory XCAL tiny Calculator XCAR Auto save default entry context menu selection XCBS Burst buffer size XCBT in file size of auto enable Burst mode XCBU Min file size of disable file cache XCCD dumpped text charcter set XCDC Sum file sizes button XCLD Cursor type XCLE Marked type XCMB Combo window(require restart PPc) XCMC use combo XCPA tab caption XCPG scroll mode XCPS list file XCTA no count XCTB stop at 10sec XCTC stop at 10sec XCTD no stop XCTT Count size XCWT Comment save XDDX Enter dir. time by hover in DnD XDIN Icon file for directory XDLF Drive list XDLG Drive menu(\[L]) XDLH Drive jump([1]...[9]) XDLI show (Limit) on caption(require restart PPx) XDLJ PC List(\\.\\pcname) XDLO archiver log XDLP error log XDLQ all log XDPM Show mask on caption XDSA Show icon on information area XDSB Default entries icon XDSS Enable screen scaling XDST Sort/Mask/View style default target XEDI Text Editor XEDL Text Editor point line prefix XEED hooked editbox XELE Use high execution level on update XEMV Ring shift on INS/DEL XEOC Error flash XESB show reference XESC with extension XESD first position XESE rename dialog XESF top XESG ext XESH bottom XESI select XETS extension XEXL extension maximum length XEXM Enable maked files with enter XEXS alarm new executive file XFAT fix time for FAT XFCO PPb(Console host, Vista) XFCT tab and header XFDI when fill directory, without file entry XFDL dialog XFEC filename color XFFI Fix for left text draw XFFX fixed extention is lower case XFIX PPv fix XFL0 List lines XFL1 Partial Match XFL2 Auto show(OS) XFL3 Auto show1 XFL4 Auto show2 XFL5 Auto show3 XFL6 list show time(ms) XFL7 listing timeout time(ms) XFL8 List min length XFLE fix flicker XFLS fill list XFME general XFOA unlimit XFOB limited XFOC serialized(max 32 jobs) XFOW Background copy XFST Fast read list XFSV File save directory XFTR tree XFUF PPv proportional(without size) XGMD Careful swap([G]) XGST Use gesture XHIR Keep cursor positions XHSR Keep directory positions XIAC Enable screen reader XIFX icon size on information area XIMC zoom XIMD zoom type XIME control IME off XING Gray view XISA incremental search XITO search timeout(ms) XIXO Animate(require restart PPv) XIXP Modify background(require restart PPv) XIXQ Apply color profile(require restart PPv) XJIA no flash XJIB back flash XJIC flash XJID sound XJIE silence XJIF back sound XJIG sound XJIH wave file XJIN Acion in show dialog XJIO Action in complete XJLA show XJLB show XJLC show always on combo PPc window XJLD hide dialog with show job list XJLS Show job list window XJLT job list XKRA reflexive key alieas XKTR PPc hotkey XLAG Display language XLDM Show menu with left button DD(&D) XLDN Always show menu self window XLDO Drop default mode XLGA completed XLGB source path XLGC destination path XLGD backup XLGE Common log to file(X_save) saving XLGG skip XLGH Show operation-log types XLGI make folder XLIC Entry click range XLLZ large file read mode XLNM show line number XLOG Logging XLSP general line space XLT0 focus next item XLT1 enable customize & fill name XLT2 forward XLT3 partial XLT4 partial and select XLT5 migemo XLT6 reserved1 XLT7 reserved2 XLTB use TAB fill XLTC fill mode XMDD Enable edit box DD(&D) XMEN close menu on undefined key XMIF minimized focus fix XMIS misc XMLE Show multi line XMON Force multi monitor mode XMPA max pane XMPB first pane XMSD Directory label XMSL Explorer link click XMSM Mark from last mark(shift+click) XMVD Out of window by Up/down cursor XMVE Out of range by Up/down cursor XMVL Out of window by left/right cursor XMVM Out of range by left/right cursor XMWI Menu columns(require restart PPx) XNBF always show cursor on window XNCP new text charcter set XNFT Format size(Z) XNFU Format size(z) XNFV Format size(Dx,mS) XNFW Format size(Dx,ms) XNOO no XOCG thumb nail image XOCH show icon on thumb nail image XOCI show(use explorer) XOCJ show file text XOCK Reduce image in rectangle XOCL show in archive XOCM cache to thumbnail.jpg XODR Drive name fill XODS alpha XODT alpha and digit XOFF off XOND Default new folder name(support %x) XONF Default new file name(support %x) XONN on XPM0 Large width XPM1 Large height XPM2 Disable start drag XPM3 Disable hidden menu XPM4 Open entry with single touch XPM5 Auto window pair direction XPM6 Disable action with active XPMB show command bar XPMC Touch mode XPMD mouse click XPME touch XPMF pen tap XPRS print XPRT margin XPRU image scale XPSA disable XPSB disable(show dir) XPSC enable XPSD enable and skip XPSK archive directory XPSL Hilight pointed entry XPTG use pair path as before active window without combo window XRCH migemo cache letters XRCL use PPc list XREY use Regular Expressions library XRRT start reload time(active,sec) XRRU start reload time(no active,sec) XRTR for input directory XRTS no sub window XRTT tree(1 ppc only) XRTU tree XSAT &\[alphabet] action XSAV Backup directory XSDI extension in directory XSEM first letter search XSLW Coefficient for slow read XSPS one process XSR0 rewrite XSR1 part1 XSR2 part2 XSRM Scroll XSTP Show long name tip XSTQ Show file information tip on hover XSTR Show preview by click entry tail XSTS preview show position XSTV preview show type XSUS Susie directory XSVZ sync view size XSZM Sumed file size XTAB tab bar(require restart PPc) XTAM terminal command XTCH PPb on default terminal XTDD Enable text DD(&D) XTDR Show [.] entry XTDS Show [..] entry XTDT Show [.][..] always XTFO Other settings are over Option tag of the File operation dialog. XTMD always cursor mode XTRA show icon XTRB overlay XTRC simple icon XTRD tool bar XTRE Tree window XTRF rename dialog XTRG sync-view XTRH show proteced folder XTRY Use Task Tray XTSB bundle Taskbar button(after Win7, require restart PPx) XTWI pixcel XTWT on Windows Terminal XUCS show line cursor XUIN Icon file for unknowns XULH Height of underline cursor XUNB Execute UNxxx on Background XUNF proportional text XUP0 select action XUP1 no action XUP2 notify XUP3 update,notify XUP4 update,notify,backup XUP5 update XUP6 update,backup XUPM Customize update XUUE Server access error. XUUN Not found update file. XUUQ Find version %s. Update from %s? XUX1 Windows standard(GDI) XUX2 Dark XUX3 Light XUXT Dark mode for dialog, menu(Win10 1903, require restart PPx) XVDA scrool button XVDB select button XVDC move window button XVDD use auto scroll XVDE Use gesture XVIE File Viewer XVLF left margin XVNM logical line number XVPS Show position by PPc called XVZS change seleted range XWBC new ppb XWBD dialog time(sec) XWDE Delete check directory with file XWDF Delete check with marked entry off screen XWDG Delete check attribute XWDH Skip slight error(file not found). XWDL Show dialog to recycled XWDM Show dialog to delete XWHE Whell lines XWPB use ppb XWSZ read check XXES Extend shiftkey XXFC File Compare command(%FDC source,%2 dest) XYES yes YGBJ break job YGBW behind to window YGCZ clear zoom window YGEX exit YGFD free define YGMD window move to down YGMH small window height YGML window move to left YGMR window move to right YGMU window move to up YGMZ minimize YGOW opaque window YGPW transparent window YGRP restore window position YGSH show help YGSM system menu YGSP save window position YGSW small window width YGTW top to window YGWH wide window height YGWW wide window width YGZI zoom in window YGZO zoom out window YTGG general YTGW general window action ZGHL Help; right click or F1 key ZTCC Cursor ZTCD Display(completed) ZTCE Entry search ZTCI Icon ZTCL Layout and tab bar ZTCM Cursor move ZTCN Cursor detail ZTCO Operations ZTCV View ZTDR Draw ZTFO File Operation ZTFS Font ZTGR General ZTLE Line editor ZTNS no support ZTOP Operation ZTOT Others ZTPB PPb - console ZTPC PPc - file manager ZTPE PPe - text editor ZTPF PPffix - extention renamer ZTPU PPcust - customizer ZTPV PPv - file viewer ZTPY PPtray ZTVD Drag ZTVI Image view ZTVT Text view };ajphjkghgbemocikabbockdnhlihceanamfammegmjpipbmkeghhannbinjdboojnfboebnjmjjdajmdjnaenbkkcofldigagalejogmohagcmdakhcfgmnnjeddhjlpaie